AI & Society


Research, Inform,

Educate and Influence”

The AI and Society Institute, launched by Fondation Abeona, École normale supérieure, PSL and Université Paris Dauphine, PSL advocates responsible development of AI, leveraging research to benefit society and public interest.

Press release about the creation of the institute

Founding members

Insitute Steering Committee

The AI and Society Institute is overseen by a steering committee, co-chaired by Anne Bouverot (Chairperson of Fondation Abeona and ENS) and Marc Mézard (Professor at Bocconi University). The committee brings together world-renowned experts in the field of artificial intelligence and its societal impact.

  • Jamal Atif - Professor, Vice-President of Paris Dauphine University - PSL
  • Laurent Daudet - Co - CEO and co-founder of LightOn
  • Carly Kind - Director of the Ada Lovelace Institute
  • Xavier Lazarus - Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Elaia
  • Yann Le Cun - Al Researcher, Turing Award 2018
  • Tanya Perelmuter - Co-Founder Fondation Abeona
  • Gabriel Peyré - Director of the ENS Data Science Center
  • Isabelle Ryl - Director, PRAIRIE / Paris School of AI
  • Valérie Theis – ENS Deputy Director for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Martin Tisné - Director of Al Collaborative, Omidyar Group
  • Meredith Whittaker – President of Signal